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SV Judge Herr Friedrich Kirchhoff 1998 Menlo Park SchH Club:
"You're looking at a dog that is really unique... I will say this dog has everything that a German Shepherd should have starting with the mask, the head, the firmness and tightness, the full coat, the expression, high withers, the definite firm back. If I would have to say something negative I would say slightly sloping croup. He has a total correct angulation in front which I have to say we see very seldom.
He has very good angulation in the rear. He is correct in front with balanced chest proportions, as far as I saw, he is walking correctly. Shows in all phases powerful far-reaching gaits, just glides flatly over the ground. If that dog, the way I see him here, if he is also excellent in protection work then he is a very, very unique dog. Thank you very much for showing the dog."
[Note: "Yes Herr Kirchhoff, Cimbo is excellent in the protection work. He earned his Schutzhund titles under 3 different judges and always pronounced in courage!"]
SV Judge Herr Bernhard Norda 1998 USA Southwest Regional Show, Bakersfield CA:
"A large male, powerful and strongly built, very typey and a lot of expression, substantial, very good angulations and he shows excellant gaits - the croup is a little steep."
Judge's comments. "The quality of the overall class excellent, excellent quality and the Top Group is extremely good."
[Note: Out of a competing class of 16, 14-V's and 2-SG's were awarded.]
SV Judge Herr Lothar Quoll 1997 USA Sieger Show, Bakersfield CA:
"Large, medium strength, slightly stretched male, typy, expressive, very dry and firm, good flowing topline, good position and length of the croup, very good angulation both front and rear, very strong and dynamic in gaiting, with effective rear drive and free front reach.
Courage Test: Pronounced and outs."
SV Judge Herr Peter Messler 1995 Sieger Show, Holland
"Medium sized, medium strong, very expressive, high long withers, firm back, croup could be a nuance longer. Very good angulation of the fore and rear quarters. Balanced chest proportions, very correct front, correct foot-stride. From a firm back, an out reaching with effective rear drive and free front reach."